Hyper-Real Earth, Moon and planets dynamic shader set for 3ds max 9 and above and Cinema 4D R10 and above with up to extreme 16K resolution texture maps (diffuse, normal, displacement, clouds, night lights, cover and opacity) depending on the planet.
Features included:
- Viewport/HUD sliders to control the key functions both in 3ds max and Cinema 4D for Earth and Moon. You don’t need to deal with ultra complex shaders.
- Night lights or Aurora dynamic response to darkness (optional feature you can disable in earth and other some planets).
- Ultrareal fog model with volumetric atmosphere.
- Ready-to-render setup and environment with default render, no external renderers required.
- Suitable even for low altitude shots (up to 16k texture maps. See thumbnails).
- Up to 16K resolution diffuse, normal, displacement, clouds, night lights, cover and opacity maps. You may replace those with your own commercial textures.
- Very short render times (few seconds).
- Resolution independent starfield included in Cinema 4D.
These shaders models don’t require external plugins or other software to create images like the thumbnails shown.